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How to Start Doing Yoga Every Day

The key to successful yoga practice is discipline. Short yoga breaks every day can be more beneficial than a vigorous yoga class once a week.

March 8, 2017

After doing yoga regularly for a month, you’ll notice that you’ve become stronger, calmer, more flexible and more focused.  And you’ll love that! Here is how you can build this yoga habit.

Decide on the routine:

Start with deciding what yoga routine you are going to practice. If you have been doing yoga for a while, you can just do whatever your body feels like doing.

Find place and time

Here is the story I read in a book on time management. The author thought that it would be nice to eat his meals on the terrace, but days went by and he kept eating his lunches in the kitchen. One day he decided to move the dining table to the terrace. Since then he’s been having all his meals on the terrace.

This is how finding a place for your new habit can help you stick to it.

If you can’t get round to doing yoga but watch TV every day, move your comfortable chair away from the TV area and roll out your yoga mat there instead. Next time you turn the TV on, you’ll need to sit on the mat which will probably make you want to start practicing right away.

So if you keep your mat rolled out and put some comfy clothes beside it, your chances to practice yoga regularly considerably increase.

Finding time is another important thing to do. Try to do yoga at the same time every day. Or just create the habit of doing yoga soon after waking up or right before going to bed.

Create a habit

The feeling of calmness the yoga brings will soon make you return to your mat over and over. Yoga is addictive. The hardest part is to start. But once you do, it will be hard to stop.

Simple tricks like printing out a calendar and marking every day you do yoga with a cross can help. You just won’t feel like breaking the line of crosses!

Another thing that can help is having a role model. Think of celebrities or yogis that you admire who do yoga every day. Their example won’t let you give up.

By the way, don’t be hard on yourself if you skip a day. If you skip just a single practice, it doesn’t mean that you failed the whole yoga-everyday experiment.

If you get bored somewhere along the way, try to enrich your yoga experience. Even if you practice yoga on your own, visit a studio once in a while to taste the atmosphere and to try a new yoga style.

And very soon your life will change completely just because of one great habit. Good luck!


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