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Weight Management

Hello. If you are here, then it's most likely because you want to do something with your weight.
Since there are really only three things you can actually do with your weight, it's pretty safe to assume you want to do one of the following three:

Lose weight.
Gain weight.
Maintain weight.

3850 Calories = 500g Fat

Two factors determine your calorie needs:

1) basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the energy needed to maintain your body's basic physiological functions at rest, and
2) level of physical activity. Your calorie needs per day can be estimated based on your healthy body weight (HBW) and your activity level.

Calories In includes every bit of food or drink you consume. And, yes this includes all the little bite size nibles of cake and candy. Some of these little snacks and drinks can really add up! 

Calories Out includes your activity level, plus your Basal Metobolic Rate (BMR).

Isocaloric Balance: If you take in the same amount of calories you expend you will maintain your current body weight.

Positive Caloric Balance: If you consume more calories than you expend you will gain weight.

Negative Caloric Balance: If you expend more than you take in you will lose weight.

Excess 550 Calories/Day = 500g Weight /Fat gain in One Week

Deficit 550 Calories/Day = 500g Weight /Fat Lose in One Week

Weight Maintained (Isocaloric Balance)

Weight Maintained Energy in = Energy Out

Weight Maintained Energy in = Energy Out

Weight Lose (Negative Caloric Balance)

Weight Lose (Energy in < Energy Out)

Rapid Weight Lose (Energy in << Energy Out)

Rapid Weight Lose (High Negative Caloric Balance)

Rapid Weight Lose (Energy in << Energy Out)

Rapid Weight Lose (Energy in << Energy Out)

Weight Gain (Positive Caloric Balance)

Weight Gain (Energy in > Energy Out)

Weight Gain (Energy in > Energy Out)

Rapid Weight Gain (High Positive Caloric Balance)

Rapid Weight Gain (Energy in >> Energy Out)

Weight Gain (Energy in > Energy Out)